The Conundrum of Auto Body Repair Salt Lake City

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There is a conundrum associated with auto body repair Salt Lake City in general. The word “Conundrum” is defined as follows:


  1. :  a riddle whose answer is or involves a pun (as in “Why didn’t the lost hikers starve in the desert? Because of the sand which is there.”)

  2. 2a :  a question or problem having only a conjectural answer… the political conundrums involved, particularly the problem of how the richer areas … can be made to subsidize the poorer. — Douglass Caterb :  an intricate and difficult problem He is faced with the conundrum of trying to find a job without having experience.

Source: Merriam Webster


Let us address each definition in turn. The first definition of conundrum is “a riddle whose answer is or involves a pun.” The question then becomes how is auto body repair in the capital of Utah a riddle whose answer is or involves a pun. The answer to this question involves a true understanding of auto body repair and the city known as Salt Lake City. Once these twin understandings come into focus then the riddle of auto body repair will crystallize to the reader of this blog post.

The second definition of conundrum is “a question or problem having only a conjectural answer… an intricate and difficult problem.” Certainly the applicability of this definition to auto body repair that happens to be located in Salt Lake City is quite obvious. It goes without saying that if one has a damaged automobile in Salt Lake City then he or she will ultimately seek out an auto body repair that happens to be located in Salt Lake City. For this reason the intricate and difficult problem will involve that person seeking out and finding the right auto body repair shop to suit his needs.