The Tote Pump is the Best Auto Resource

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In this blog post the Best Auto Resource Blog (B. A. R. B.) would like to take some time to talk about the tote pump and how it qualifies as the best auto resource. Before we engage in this analysis let us first establish that this particular piece of equipment is an auto resource in the first place. In order for a piece of equipment to qualify as an auto resource it must be demonstrated that said piece of equipment is an asset that can be drawn upon by an auto in order to function effectively. This demonstration can be accomplished rather quickly.


As a demonstration that a pump is an auto resource consider the following. Autos are comprised of many parts, some of which happen to be pumps. Because autos require its component parts to both exist and function effectively it can be logically concluded that a pump is an auto resource. The question remains, however, as to whether a pump is the best auto resource and not just a good auto resource or an auto resource of some other level of importance. Fortunately it is also a somewhat simple task to establish the pump as the best auto resource.

In order for a component part of an automobile to be considered the best auto resource it must be convincingly argued that without said component part the auto would function less efficiently than it would without any other part. Without getting into the details of the process, the B. A. R. B. ran a series of tests involving every single part that makes up the typical auto. One by one we removed each part and then measured the efficiency of the auto as it ran without that specific part. The tests convincingly demonstrated that the pump was in fact the best auto resource.