The Newest and Perhaps Final Sign

posted in: Selling Autos | 0

signThe newest sign is up and reads, “TREATMENT IS NOW COMPLETE! STAND TALL & CONTINUE YOUR JOURNEY WITH FAITH, HOPE & ALL OUR LOVE!” At the bottom of the sign is a smiley face. Does this mean that there will be no more signs to follow?


SM : I cannot say that. The sign thing really took me by storm. It is encoded within my DNA at this point. I seriously can not picture myself never ever posting another sign on my front porch.


Maybe you could start something new? The treatment is over after all. Perhaps you could open your own sign shop?


SM : I don’t think so. I am sixty years old and retired. I am financially set for life. I don’t want to open up a business at my age.


Do you think Susan appreciated the signs you have been posting on your front porch?


SM : Of course she does! What a silly question. Why do you ask?


Well, I hate to burst your bubble but I have spoken to a few people in the neighborhood who have expressed that your signs make them uncomfortable.


SM : That’s ridiculous. Everybody loves my signs. The amount of effort I put into them combined with the positive sentiments… What’s not to like?


Maybe some people felt that Susan wanted to maintain a certain level of privacy concerning her illness. The intent behind the signs shop Salt Lake City was clearly well meaning. However, their public display made the whole thing, well, public.


SM : You people are being hyper-critical. Can’t a neighbor do something nice for another neighbor?


See, this is part of the reason this whole episode was awkward. People did not want to tell you this because they were afraid of exactly this reaction.


SM : And so you waited until now to tell me? You waited until I posted the very last sign?


So it is the final sign?