The Missed Signs and Banners of the 2016 Presidential Election

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It is safe to say that the both the readers of Best Auto Resource blog and anyone else for that matter did not see the signs and banners indicating that president elect Donald J. Trump would have the electoral victory that he did on the night of Tuesday November 8th in the year of our lord 2016. All the media sources that the editorial board of the Best Auto Resource blog had access to (and it would surprise no one that we enjoy a wide breadth of media access) indicated that the night would belong to Democratic candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Be that as it may, every citizen of the United States of American and people all over the world following the election all woke up (a little groggy and worse for the wear) on the morning of Wednesday November 9th, 2016 faced with the new reality that Donald J. Trump will take the oath of office on January 20th, 2017 on the steps of the Capitol Building in Washington, D. C. This is true not withstanding all the missed signs and banners indicating that this reality would manifest itself the way it did. Now we must live in this reality and accept it for the truth that it is.

It would seem that there is little use in bemoaning this new reality. It was certainly not the outcome that the editorial board of the Best Auto Resources blog would have wanted. But what the editorial board of the Best Auto Resources blog wants or does not want is not important at this point in time. The election is over. Donald J. Trump is the president elect. Case closed. It is our reasoned policy to continue forth from this point in time with cheerful optimism hoping for the best. We are all Americans after all and we support our president.